Thursday 1 October 2015

Hang 'em high or Disavow: the privilege to say, "I am Canadian"

Our Oath:

I swear (or affirm)
That I will be faithful
And bear true allegiance
To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
Queen of Canada
Her Heirs and Successors
And that I will faithfully observe
The laws of Canada
And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.

Disrespect to his country

The old ways:

"[Name], in a few short weeks it will be spring. The snows of winter will flow away, the ice will vanish, the air will become soft and balmy.The annual miracle of the years will awaken and come to pass. The rivulet will run its soaring course to the sea. The timid desert flowers will put fourth their tender shoots. The glorious valleys of this imperial domain will blossom as the rose. From every tree top, some wild songster will carol his mating song. Butterflies will sport in the sunshine.

But you will not be their to enjoy it, because I command the sheriff of the county to lead you away to some remote spot, swing you by the neck from a knotting bough of some sturdy oak and let you hang until dead.

And then [Name], I further command that such officers retire quickly from your dangling corpse, that vultures may descend from the heavens upon your filthy body until nothing is left but the bare, bleached bones of a cold-blooded, blood-thirsty, throat-cutting, murdering S.O.B." - Judge Roy Bean.

More civilised:

As pointed out in an interview by the National Post with Defence Minister Jason Kenney.
In addition to terrorism, the law applies to dual nationals convicted of treason and spying for foreign governments, as well as members of armed groups at war against Canada, such as those fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

“This is about respecting the value of Canadian citizenship,” Kenney said in an interview on the weekend.
 “If someone hates Canada so much that they’re prepared to demonstrate violent disloyalty to the country, they forfeit their citizenship. It’s a simple principle.”
He cited the case of former Montreal resident Sami Elabi, who posted a video online from Syria, where he was fighting with al-Qaida. It showed him burning his Canadian passport and then propping it against a wall and shooting it with an assault rifle.

“I think it’s bizarre in the extreme that he should be able to show up at a Canadian embassy … and that we should then be obliged to issue him a new passport and welcome him back to Canada. That’s the position of Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Mulcair. It is an insult to the integrity of Canadian citizenship.”
Do we really need to argue, that a dual citizen who commits Terrorism, Treason, Espionage, and Foreign Military engagement against our country deserves to be able to say "I am Canadian"?

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