Thursday 10 September 2015

Mulcair: When push comes to shove what country would he choose?

Thomas Mulcair is a dual citizen. He has both Canadian and French citizenship. He has French because of his wife. He had the option and jumped through the bureaucratic hoops — for which France is famous — including one to five years of uninterrupted residency, signing a contract stating you will assimilate into French society, completing civics training with an understanding of France’s public services and completing French exams. Also, based on France’s Civil Code, future French citizens must sign a Charter of Rights and Responsibilities including an obligatory pledge of allegiance to France.

The NDP leader claims he sought this French citizenship so he and his family could travel together on French passports; But his wife is Canadian too, so what is wrong with a Canadian passport?

I would prefer that a leader of a party hold only Canadian citizenship...
His predecessor, Jack Layton previously scorned an ex-Liberal candidate Mr. Dion for having two citizenships having said,  “I would prefer that a leader of a party hold only Canadian citizenship, because one represents so many’s better to remain the citizen of one country.”

Mulcair says what's wrong with having two citizenships, a lot of people do? He simply does not understand the responsibilities of being the leader of a country. He still has the mind of an opposition leader and will not change.

As leader of a country your allegiance and for that matter, your loyalty, is to one and only one country. And that should be to Canada.

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