The NDP leader claims he sought this French citizenship so he and his family could travel together on French passports; But his wife is Canadian too, so what is wrong with a Canadian passport?
I would prefer that a leader of a party hold only Canadian citizenship...His predecessor, Jack Layton previously scorned an ex-Liberal candidate Mr. Dion for having two citizenships having said, “I would prefer that a leader of a party hold only Canadian citizenship, because one represents so many Canadians...it’s better to remain the citizen of one country.”
Mulcair says what's wrong with having two citizenships, a lot of people do? He simply does not understand the responsibilities of being the leader of a country. He still has the mind of an opposition leader and will not change.
As leader of a country your allegiance and for that matter, your loyalty, is to one and only one country. And that should be to Canada.