Tuesday 16 June 2015

When is it time to hang up the keys?

It's time. Here are the keys.
No amount of telling, arguing or presenting of facts will win an answer.
North Americans are especially hard to convince (win over) because we love our cars. Putting it mildly, public transport is not a fully functioning alternate way of transport on this continent. At least in Europe there is a modicum of transit opportunities; so there lies the biggest problem — dependency. 

“You're a great dad and a super boss but you're neither to me. I decide when it's time to stop”.    - Henry Reagan (Blue Bloods)

So far, I have been challenged with only 3 events in my life that required this debate. From my experience the only way to hang up the keys is through their own self-recognition (barring any medical reason). Try to chauffeur them around or take a bus or train together. Help to wean them from their dependency of sitting behind that wheel but don't try to take their license away. The support of a loving family leading the decision does help. 

In the end....

It is truly up to the older person who must accept the fact that the keys need to be hung.

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